The key viewpoints for guaranteed ROI from your property CGI

While a 3D CGI company can generate 3D visualisations for every room of a home, with a selection of viewpoints within those rooms, there is in effect a tried and tested formula to make sure they key areas of a property are shown. By making sure you are offering good visuals of these areas you can guarantee that your property will get noticed and what it has to offer will be communicated clearly.
At North Made Studio we have built up a selection of CGI packages for property developers to help them promote their properties correctly. The key areas that our 3D architectural visualisation packages focus on are as follows:
Exterior front view
A single front view of the building is usually enough to get across the style of the property to potential buyers. Population elements such as cars, people, pedestrians, traffic can all be added to add to the realism effect.
A welcoming view of the front of the property can draw in the viewer and effective beckon them inside.
Viewpoints of the rear view of a property are often not required unless a key feature of the property is located there.
The kitchen is the next most important room to be included in the 3D CGI visualisation, the modern kitchen is arguable the most popular room of the home. The majority of social time now tends to be spent in the kitchen, so having a high quality visualisation of the kitchen in a new property is vital.
KBB that is what it is all about when it comes to correctly showcasing a house, Kitchen, Bedroom, Bathroom. The bedroom is a vital room to have produced in 3D CGI as it is also a place where a lot of time will be spent. Giving potential buyers the ability to visualise themselves in that bedroom can really help with engagement in the property.
The bathroom is also a room that can be very useful to show in 3D CGI. Kitchens and bathrooms are the rooms of a house that the most money is spent on. Showing the quality of the fixtures ad fittings within a bathroom can be very important in communicating the level of craftsmanship that has been invested in the property.
Not as important as the KBB rooms, the lounge is another social area that is likely to have a lot of time spent in by the final owner. So showing this space in the best light possible can be very useful. The main reason this is last on the list is because the lounge area is almost always left completely unfurnished in a new build property. There are no major elements of fitted furniture that need to be added. So it is harder to correctly visualise the lounge as a style of decor needs to be shown to help populate the room, but choosing a too modern or too traditional level of decor could possibly turn off potential buyers.
Ensuring at least the first 3 viewpoints of the property are created in high quality 3D CGI will help to correctly communicate what the property has to offer. If your budget can stretch to it adding any of the other 2 viewpoints can help to build on the other CGI imagery and fill in the blanks to complete the experience of the building.