Are moodboards an effective tool for 3D artist?

Firstly what is a moodboard?
Effectively it is a mock up of the style you would like a property to mimic. We predominately deal with mood boards in reference to 3D interior visualisations. The client gets an opportunity to select the style of features that they would like prominent in the visualisation of their property.
The main features included in mood boards usually include:
– Colours schemes
– Materials (leather, suede, cloth, etc)
– Wallcoverings
– Floors, tiles and carpets (and rugs)
– Furniture (sofas, beds, tables, bookcases, wardrobes, etc)
– Lighting (table lamps, wall lights, ceiling lights, etc)
– Fixtures and fittings (taps, door handles, light switches, etc)
– Accessories & minor decor (vases, books, clothing, cushions, etc)
By selecting specific images and examples and incorporating them into the mood board for a property it allows us to get a vision of what type of style the client is looking to dress the scene in and also the type of buyer/investor they are targeting.
The more information we can gain from a mood board, the more accurately we can popular and dress a scene. Creating a closer representation of what the client intends their finished property to look like when built.
A great benefit of 3D CGI is that we have the ability to both build and source 3D models of real world objects and products. So for example if a client is intending to furnish their property with only IKEA furniture, we can ensure all furniture and decor items are recreations of IKEA products, so the 3D visualisations will be a completely accurate recreation of what the final property interior will look like complete with the exact furniture the owner purchases and adds once the room is built.
When should you use a moodboard?
Moodboards can play a pivotal role in the creation of a successful CGI visual. Mood boards are usually used when a client is 100% sure on how their image is to look or they a certain source of inspiration (magazine, brand, etc). There is no point in us blindly dressing a scene with furniture and decor when the client has an idea of how they would like the scene to look. It only wastes our time and provides the client with a scene that would be decorated differently than their finished property. A good and concise mood board will allow both us (the CGI creators) and the client to be focused on creating the same scene, with the same style and theme.
So moodboards can be used for all interior rooms of a building. Kitchens, living rooms, bathrooms and bedrooms. Kitchens can be the most important room to create a mood board for. Kitchens and bathrooms sell houses, so many property developers focus on offering high end kitchens. By showcasing the type of kitchen appliances, units, worktops, etc that the developer intends to use on the finishes property we can create a CGI kitchen visual that will create a true to life kitchen that the buyer can view before it is complete. And they can be assured that kitchen style, appliances, etc will all match and the overall aesthetic of the kitchen will match.
Living rooms are also a great room to focus a mood board around. To give the correct “lived in” feel to the property we can focus the mood board towards styles and products that the intended target market are receptive to. This will help to engage the intended target market better and envisage themselves living with the space.
Moodboards helps the CGI artist work in an efficient manner. The artist will frequently refer to the board, ensuring the end visual is inline with the clients expectations.