CGI visualisation and VR are revolutionising interior design

The advancement in 3D modelling and rendering over the last few years has made getting an interior 3D visualisation created significantly cheaper. This has opened up the doors for interior designers to adopt and adapt to this new advancement in technology and provide the clients with 3D CGI imagery of their intended interior deign creations before any physical work is undertaken.
Although some interior designers choose to attempt to create these 3D CGI visualisation of interior spaces themselves, many make the smarter decision and task a 3D CGI visualisation company with creating the interior visualisations. Giving their client a higher quality image and increased levels of realism throughout the CGI creation.
The old practice of hand drawing interior design ideas can still be undertaken, but with 3D CGI imagery the interior designs can be communicated much clearer and more accurately. Another amazing benefit of adapting 3D CGI visualisations within interior design projects is that it opens up this sector to people who have a keen eye for interior design but lack the drawing or computer skills required to create a high quality visual representation of what they can offer in terms of interior design for their client.
So the advancement of 3D CGI and its affordable price has now opened up the interior design sector to a whole host of new creative people, allowing them to produce interesting and innovative interior design work.
For the best interior designers the advancement in 3D CGI image creation has forced them to adapt and strive to offer better services to ensure that they stand out form the crowd. Adopting 3D visualisation to showcase their interior design ideas, but being in the upper echelons of the interior design community means that the 3D CGI visualisations that these high end interior designers offer need to be of the very highest standard.
If you are part of the high level interior design sector then one of the CGI tools that you now have access to to help to stand out is a VR. A virtual reality visualisation can allow you clients to view your intended interior design creation not only in 3D but also in 360 degrees and with a VR headset they can even be virtually placed inside the room. The capability to do this can give a client a real wow factor that as they not only get to view the interior design better but they also get to have a new experience that will be remarkable and memorable.